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Get 2 + Pole Pull Ups in a month

Struggling with your
Pole Pull Ups?

You are not the only one!


Pole Pull Ups are a nemesis for many Pole Dancers.   But what if I told you they longer have to be....?


You can get your first Pull up and or more in a month with the Engineer your Pole Pull Up Challenge.  All you have to do is break it down and then condition it. 


Don't believe me?  Then try this Free challenge and watch what you can do with some focused conditioning.  What do you have to lose? 


If Pole Pull Ups seem unattainable, I promise you they are not. 


This FREE Engineer your Pole Pull Up Challenge is the Solution for you.  Join other Pole Dancers as we all work on the same Goal...improving our Pole Pull Up Count. 


Sign Up below to be put on the Waitlist to Start this Challenge in May!


What you Receive:

Dozens of exercises to help you achieve those Pole Pull Up Goals. 


Training Calendar


Access to Exercise Tutorials for Life


Join an IG Support Group for others enrolled in the Engineer your Pole Pull Up free challenge. 


Join Below!


Join the Engineer Your Pole Pull Up Challenge Here!

Keep an Eye out for the Challenge Email!

But Cris I can already do Pull Ups?

No worries at all!


This challenge also includes advanced conditioning exercises to help increase your Pole Pull Up count. 


Included are exercises to condition Hand over Hand Pull Ups and Leg Straddle Pull Ups as well!


So whether you are just starting off with Pole Pull Ups, or your looking to advance your Pole Pull Up Conditioning this Free Challenge is for you!


I used all these conditioning exercises to help me achieve my Pole Pull Up goals.  Now I can do hand over hand, Leg straddles and more.  Did I mention I get to the top of the Pole.  


I use all these exercises for my students, whom are crushing their Pole Pull Ups. 


You will not be bored or disappointed with this challenge!  Join the Challenge below!



Join the Engineer Your Pole Pull Up Challenge Here!

Keep an Eye out for the Challenge Email!

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