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Engineer your Off Pole Conditioning

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How do I condition without a Pole?

If you are like myself and thousands of other Pole dancers, you have asked this question at some point.   We all want to be able to train for Pole even when we are not using a Pole. 


I wish I could say there is one specific way to do it, but this is not the case.  You can condition off the pole in countless ways for so many of our favorite pole tricks or nemesis. 


What I can say is that this video workout will get you started on the right path to start conditioning for the pole , off the pole. 


What to expect?

Condition Push and Pull

Practice Leg Hold Conditioning 

Quick Ab Exercises

Cardio exercises

Use small weights, resistance bands and yoga blocks

20 + Off Pole Exercises


Who is this for?

Home Pole dancers looking to train off Pole

Pole dancers with limited Pole access

Beginner Pole dancers

Pole Instructors looking for class content

Pole Dancers Looking for Off Pole Conditioning 


Who is this not for?

Pole dancers looking to learn tricks

Pole dancers looking for Choreography


Sign Up below to get started on 

Engineering your Off Pole Conditioning. 




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