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Pole Dancing with
a Chronic Illness

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Pole Dancing with Chronic Illness is tough, I do it everyday

Well , maybe I do not Pole dance every day. That is not good for my body. But I do know what it is like training while living with a chronic illness. 


Believe it or not, you can start reaching some of your pole goals as well, even if something has been stopping you. 


Personally, struggling with HIV and addiction taught me there is no right way to train and become successful with your Pole Goals. However, there are numerous tips you can try to help you accomplish your pole objectives while still taking care of your health and taking well deserved breaks. 


This workshop is for anyone living with a Chronic Illness who still wants to be successful on their Pole journey without quitting. 


I have been able to accomplish so many of my Pole goals by changing how I train while taking care of my body and more.   As pole dancers it can be hard for us to take it easy, it's human nature to just  throw our bodies into a training session without checking in.  


You can Download this Workshop for Free below!


What to expect:


We will review how to train discussing a wide variety of ailments that might hinder your Pole journey.  


Learn my 4 Step Process to Engineer your Pole goals. 


Tips on training when your body is not working with you. 


And more. 



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