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Strength Coach and
Website /IT Coach
for Pole Dancers

Why Choose
The Pole Engineer?

Starting pole dancing nearly a decade ago in a strip club, Cris has learned the importance of conditioning and injury prevention to ensure longevity in Pole.  He believes in accessing the dancers weakness when performing a trick and than provides specific exercises to target those weaknesses. 

With over half a decade of Software Engineering experience, blogging, podcasting and more; Cris has learned about the technological needs to run a business as a do it yourselfer. 

He also strongly believes this information should be accessible to everyone. 

  • Expert Rating Yoga Certification

  • Xpert Fitness Pole Level 1 & 2 Certification

  • Xpert Fitness Pole Level 3 & 4 Certification

  • BodybyFran Pole Strong Specialist Level 1 Certification

  • 6 + Years Teaching Yoga

  • 4+ Years Teaching / Coaching Pole Dancers

  • 7+ Years Creating Websites, Apps, Landing Pages and more

  • Software Engineering Certificates

  • Software Engineering Degree

  • Co-Creator of Pole on the Call, an International  Podcast for Pole Dancers

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Are you a Pole Dancer / Entrepreneur looking for 1 to 1 Live Coaching Services ?  

Spend 15 Minutes  with me and we will get you started on your Specific Pole Goal/s using my 4 Step Engineering your Pole Conditioning  Process. 
Or work with me for some Tech Consultations and more.   We can go over building websites, Social Media Graphics, starting a streaming channel, monetization and more. 

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